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Cheong Guk Jang powder is a modern adaptation that takes out the hassle of cooking a traditional hot pot in order to comsume this ultra healthy food. The fermenting agent for cheong guk jang is also a strain of Bacillus, but unlike doen jang which ferments for at least 6 months before consumption, cheong guk jang ferments at a higher temperature for 2-4 days only. The fermented soybeans are then dried in a dehydrator and ground up into a fine powder. 1kg of cheong guk jang powder is equivalent to 3kg of the wet raw cheong guk jang.


YMJ's cheong guk jang powder is dried at a lower temperature (around 45 degress) for a longer period to ensure the Bacillus bacteria are still alive in the final product. When the temperature reaches 60 degrees all the beneficial bacteria are killed, but you can be assured that YMJ has taken the extra step and extra care so that you can receive maximum benefits. 


Rather than cooking a hot soup that will surely fill your kitchen and home with a pungent smell that is unique to cheong guk jang, YMJ's powder version is so easy to consume. Simply add to your daily smoothie or shake, or even more easy: add a spoonful to yogurt or milk. If you feel nostalgic for a cheong guk jang hot pot you can add a spoonful to a Korean instant cup noodle, or add to any type of korean hot soup such as deon jang soup/guk.


Despite it's pungent smell, cheong guk jang has some amazing health benefits: 

- it is full of beneficial probiotics

- improves digestion

- a natural blood thinner which improves blood flow and volume and reduces the chance of blood clots

-  improves blood circulation

- reduces blood pressure

- strengthens bones and immune system

- improves heart health by lowering cholesterol.


Now in powder form, it is much easier to consume. 


청국장 가루 Cheong Guk Jang Powder 400g

AU$27.50 일반가
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    청국장 가루를 섭취하는 방법은 아주 간단하고 맛있습니다. 
    우유, 요거트 또는 스무디에 섞어 드시면 바쁜 하루를 간편하면서도 든든한 아침식사가 될 수있습니다. 
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    생 청국장을 끓일 때 항상 염려되는 것이 바로 금세 사라지지 않는 독특한 냄새!  아이들이 코를 막고 도망갈 정도로 진한 냄새가 있지만 청국장 가루는 발효음식의 특유한 냄새가 생 청국장처럼 진하지 않고 구수하답니다. 아파트에 사셔도 이제 마음 편하게 한국의 대표 웰빙 음식 중 하나인 청국장을 즐겨 보십시오.

    *제품명: 청국장가루
    *제조원: 예매진 (100% 호주 생산 제품)
    *원재료 및 성분: 유기농 메주콩(호주 유기농 등록번호: 41번) 
    *식품 유형: 개량 된장
    -설탕, MSG, 화학 조미료, 향신료, 방부제 및 밀가루 일체 첨가하지 않음
    *보관방법: 직사광선을 피하여 건조하고 서늘한 곳에서 실온18 - 22C도로 보관하십시오.

    • Ingredients: organic soybeans (ACO. 41)    
    • Product of Australia. Made from 100% Australian ingredients.
    • No added sugar, salt, MSG, artificial colouring, artificial flavouring, or preservatives. Gluten free.
    • Store in a cool dry place at room temperature (18-22 degrees Celsius)
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