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This is YMJ's best selling item “Doen Jang”.


A fermented soybean paste lovingly made with organic soybeans (ACO41). Our soybeans are supplied solely by Kialla Pure Foods, a farm located in Greenmount, Queensland specializing in 100% Australian organic produce farmed according to biodynamic methods and philosophy.


Doen jang is a traditional Korean sauce dating back to the third century AD. It has a sharp salty flavor and subtle sweetness from the soybeans. YMJ has recreated this traditional favorite using modern scientific methods to produce a new age doen jang that is flavoursome, hygienic and full of the live Bacillus probiotic. 

YMJ doen jang does not contain many additive that are present in commercial products, such as sugar, preservatives, MSG, flour, or any type of flavorings or colors. Our ingredients are only three: organic soybeans, Australian sea salt, and crystal clean water. 

Doen Jang (Organic, Biodynamic Soybeans)

SKU: 364115376135191
  • 3가지 재료에 환상적인 궁합: 메주콩 + 바다 소금 + 깨끗한 물
    MSG, 설탕, 방부제, 밀가루, 등 첨가물은 전혀 사용하지 않습니다.
    예매진 오가닉 된장은 정성이 담긴 핸드메이드 제품입니다. 오로지 Kialla Pure Foods에서 재배한 메주콩으로 만듭니다. 카이알라는 호주와 한국도 포함한 여러 국가에서 인증된 바이오 다이나믹 농법의 전문 농장입니다.

    *제품명: 참된장
    *제조원: 예매진 (100% 호주 생산 제품)
    *원재료 및 성분: 유기농 메주콩(호주 유기농 등록번호: 41번) , 물, 천연 바다소금
    *식품 유형: 개량 된장
    -설탕, MSG, 화학 조미료, 향신료, 방부제 및 밀가루 일체 첨가하지 않음
    *보관방법: 냉장보관으로 2 - 8 C도로 보관하십시오.

    • Ingredients: Organic Soybeans (ACO. 41), water, salt        
    • Product of Australia. Made from 100% Australian ingredients. 
    • No added sugar, MSG, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, or preservatives. Gluten free.
    • Keep refrigerated 2-8 degrees Celsius.
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