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Manufacturing Process


Yaemejin's (YMJ) premium doen jang, soysauce and cheonggukjang are made using only Australian organic soybeans, natural Australian sea salt and water.Ingredients such as wheat flour, rice flour, MSG, sugar, etc are absolutely not included as they degrade the flavor and natural health benefits.

​The process of making doen jang


Pick good quality soybeans


Wash and drain, then cook by steaming.


Add Bacillus bacteria spores for the 1st stage of fermentation


Add fermented soybeans and salt water into ceramic pots for 2nd stage fermentation.

In addition to controlling the temperature and humidity to be suitable for the growth of Bacillus bacteria spores, our fermentation room is clean and hygienic. Traditionally, Koreans mashed the soybeans to make brick shaped blocks that was strung up to ferment for many weeks under poorly controlled conditions that allowed for the growth of unhealthy mold and gather dust and dirt that spoiled the flavor of doen jang. YMJ's techique allows for each individual soybean to ferment completely maximizing the presence of the probiotic strain of Bacillus. After the 1st fermentation, soybeans are placed in ceramic pots with brine made with Australian sea salt and carefully aged in the 2nd stage of fermentation to bring about the delicious umami flavors.


YMJ's premium doen jang is ready!

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